Sustainability Data


FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Scope1+2+3 (t-CO2) 214 4,315 4,152
Scope1 (t-CO2) 20 13 13
Scope2 (t-CO2) 194 209 177
Scope3 (t-CO2) - 4,093 3,962
Electricity consumed (kWh) 457,386 479,639 386,775
Environmental violation fine (JPY) 0 0 0

*The calculation for FY2024 is currently underway.
*The emissions of Fitting Cloud Inc., a consolidated subsidiary, is also included in the calculation.
*Scope 3 emissions are calculated from the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022.
*There are no emission sources for Scope 3, Categories 8/10/13/14/15.


FY2023 FY2024
Number of employees (Consolidated) (person)※1 306 331
Percentage of foreign nationals (%)※1 0.98 1.5
Percentage of female (%)※2 40.5 40.6
Percentage of employees located offshore (%)※2 0 0
Average age of employees(age)※2 39 39
Employee Survey Response Rate(%)※2 96 94
Stress Check Response Rate(%)※2 86 92
Employee Engagement※2 3.2 3.4
Average Monthly Overtime(hours)※2 17.5 16.8
Number of Part-time Work System Users(person)※2 8 9

*1 Figures for our group (including fixed-term employees)
*2 Figures on a non-consolidated basis (including fixed-term employees)
Numbers and ratios are calculated based on actual results at the end of each fiscal period.
Employee engagement is measured on a five-point scale.

FY2023 FY2024
Number of new graduates hiring (person) 8 3
Number of mid-career hiring (person) 22 34
Average length of service (year) 6.3 7.6
Turnover rate (%) 9.7 5.6
Percentage of female managers (%) 8.6 15.4
Percentage of paid holidays taken (%) 65 78.5
Number of parental leave taken (male) (person) 2 2
Number of parental leave taken (female) (person) 3 8
Percentage of employees returning to work after parental leave (male) (%) 100 100
Percentage of employees returning to work after parental leave (female) (%) 100 100
Number of applications for qualification incentives (cases) (%) 18 24

It is calculated on a non-consolidated basis for full-time employees of our company.


FY2023 FY2024
Number of directors (person) 8 8
Number and percentage of female directors (person) 0 0
Number and percentage of foreign directors (person) 0 0
Number and percentage of independent directors (person) 3 3
Number of Board of Directors' meetings (times) 22 17
Number of Audit & Supervisory Committee meetings (times) 16 16
Percentage of participants taking insider trading regulation training (%) 100 100
Percentage of participants taking harassment prevention training (%) 100 100

The figures are calculated based on the non-consolidated results of the Company.
The number of people and the corresponding ratios are calculated from the actual results as of the end of each fiscal year.