Social Initiatives (S)

Social Initiatives

The Company will contribute to the correction of medical disparities and improvement of people's wellbeing through its business, such as streamlining the flow of medical treatment in the medical industry and spreading the use of easy and highly accurate visual field tests.
In addition, the Company has been making efforts to build and maintain a healthy work environment where employees can work comfortably for years by conducting employee surveys, proactively introducing remote work scheme, and reassigning employees based on their requests.
Based on the above efforts, the Company endorses the "My Jinken Declaration" proposed by the Ministry of Justice to achieve a society where everyone respects each other's human rights, and the Company has made the declaration public.

In March 2024, the Company obtained "Kurumin" certification from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as a company supporting childrearing.

Initiatives for global and social issues

SDGs 17 Goals Guidelines
Goal 1:No Poverty Goal 3:Good Health and Well-being Goal 8:Decent Work and Economic Growth Goal 9:Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Goal 10:Reduced Inequality

Aiming for a society in which all people are provided with equal access to medical services

  • Realize a framework that allows any person to receive smooth and efficient medical care at large hospitals, introducing telemedicine and utilizing location information.
Goal 8:Decent Work and Economic Growth

Improving the quality of medical treatment and the ease of work for medical professionals

  • Development and implementation of medical systems utilizing the most advanced technologies.
Goal 8:Decent Work and Economic Growth

Support for diverse work styles

  • Promoting Municipal Smart Projects, Contributing to Business Improvement.
Goal 1:No Poverty Goal 3:Good Health and Well-being Goal 8:Decent Work and Economic Growth Goal 9:Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Support for Health Preservation

  • Increase access to early detection of glaucoma and other eye diseases by promoting the use of GAP, an in-house developed perimeter.
Goal 1:No Poverty Goal 3:Good Health and Well-being Goal 8:Decent Work and Economic Growth Goal 9:Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Contributing to new technological innovations with medical data

  • Utilizing data accumulated by us in the areas of Drug Discovery and Insurance.

Approach and Initiatives Regarding Human Capital

In recent corporate management, there is an urgent need to build an organization that respects diversity. The scope of this effort is not limited to the traditional promotion of female employees, but also encompasses a wide range of issues, such as to promote inclusions of any nationalities, religions, and sexual minorities. The Group is committed to meeting these challenges and fulfilling its social responsibility as a company that supports the physical and mental wellness of people by creating and maintaining a diversity-friendly work environment and promoting inclusive hiring practices.

〈Talent Development Strategy〉

In the area of human resources development, The Group actively promote employees to key positions, regardless of gender, nationality, or age, but according to their past achievements and preferences. It also actively transfers authorities, creating many opportunities for employees to take on new challenges, such as considering new business opportunities and exploring new business fields. Approximately 98% of the Group’s Directors and managers are mid-career hires. Although it is possible that the percentage of mid-career hires in management positions will decline in the future due to the promotion of experienced employees to management positions, the Group has not set a voluntary and measurable goal for the promotion of mid-career hires to management positions because the percentage is expected to remain high. Regarding the promotion of non-Japanese nationals to management positions, the Group recognizes that it will be a necessary challenge in the future to hire non-Japanese nationals as needed, promote them to management positions, and set voluntary and measurable targets, considering its business development. The Group’s action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life sets a target of increasing the percentage of women in management positions to 9% by 2026 and to 18% by 2030 (8.6% as of December 31, 2023). The Group will measure the effectiveness of its action plan annually starting in March 2023 to achieve these goals, while promoting specific measures such as providing training and e-learning opportunities for female employees who wish to be promoted to management positions.
Following are the measures related to our Talent Development Strategy.

〈 Workplace Environment Improvement Policy〉

The Group regards maintaining an environment where employees can work comfortably as a critical management issue. A positive workplace environment not only enhances employee satisfaction but also directly contributes to increased productivity. Through these initiatives, the Group aims to support the well-being of its employees, thereby contributing to the long-term growth of the company.Following are the measures related to our Workplace Environment Improvement Policy.

Indicators and Targets

The Group is developing key performance indicators and setting goals focused on human capital to unlock the full potential of its employees and drive sustainable growth. Here are the specific strategies being put into place.
For information regarding the indicators, please refer to the link here.

Initiatives on Human Capital

SDGs 17 Goals Guidelines
Goal 5:Gender Equality Goal 8:Decent Work and Economic Growth Goal 10:Reduced Inequality

Respect for Human Rights and understanding of Gender Equality

  • Discriminate based on nationality, gender, age, education, religion, culture, or preference, and our employees engage in work with mutual understanding of LGBTQ* and individual job motivations.
  • Office Dress Code Liberalization for different situations.
Goal 5:Gender Equality Goal 8:Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promoting Diversity

  • Actively employ people with disabilities and silver workers and rehire retirees.
  • Create a workplace where people with limited working hours due to childcare, nursing care, etc. can work comfortably as full-time workers.
Goal 8:Decent Work and Economic Growth

Acquire and retain the right talent

  • With the aim of improving work efficiency, adopted a hybrid work style that utilizes flextime (flexible work) and remote working.
  • Efficiently open regional and overseas offices to extend job opportunities.
  • Providing employees with a quality of life (QOL).
  • Promote graduate schools and MBA programs for employees.
Goal 5:Gender Equality Goal 8:Decent Work and Economic Growth

Aiming for a workplace where both men and women can flexibly take childcare leave and caregiving leave

  • Promising to return to the original position or the position in charge after taking parental leave.
Goal 4:Quality Education Goal 8:Decent Work and Economic Growth

Sabbatical Leave System

  • The Company provides up to 6 months of Sabbatical Leave for employees after every 10 years of continuous employment.
    ⇒ This period allows employees to take a break from work, spend time with their families, and engage in activities they enjoy.
    (Studying abroad or temporary employment in a different field is also possible.)
Goal 4:Quality Education

Training the next generation of leaders

  • Encouraging those interested to participate in external training programs, actively hiring working graduate students and encouraging employees to pursue certifications and MBA degrees.
  • Support for skill development through internal initiatives, aligning with the personal goals of employees, and enhancing opportunities for promotion